Wednesday, September 29, 2010

15. The People Who Make You YOU. (a difficult post to write)

It is often said that our time here on Earth is short. Countless quotes and songs urge us to "live like we're dying" and "live every day like its our last". Too often, it takes a devastating event for people to wake up and realize that nothing is guaranteed. The people and things we love can be stolen from us in the blink of an eye.

Last Thursday, September 23rd, during the late evening, my father lost his battle with colon cancer. It was a hard fight; his courage and bravery kept him alive long after his body had been defeated. Watching him suffer over the past few months has renewed in me the idea that we must not take the people we love for granted.  The friends and family who have shaped our lives won't be around forever, and it's important that we cherish and appreciate the people who made us who we are.  My father was my best friend and my hero, and I only wish I could have had more years with him to continue to learn and grow under his loving care. I know he has been behind me every step of the way and he will be watching over me always. He is the person that made me who I am.

I'm writing this to urge everyone to appreciate the people they love. Show your family and friends how much they mean to you. Kiss them, hug them, and cherish spending time with them. Don't let anything stop you from expressing your true feelings to important people in your life. You never know,  it could just be the last time you get to say goodbye.

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