Tuesday, August 24, 2010

11. The Whisper Effect

Imagine this : You're on the phone with your best friend on a Tuesday night (I like tuesday nights.) It's a normal conversation, just shootin the breeze with someone you've known for years. And then, all of a sudden, out of nowhere and almost always inexplicably, your best friend whispers something. Maybe it's something he/she couldn't say loudly because someone would overhear, or maybe they've entered a place where they are not supposed to be talking. Whatever the case, the person on the other end of the line drops their voice and scandalizes the conversation.

Here's where it happens: The Whisper Effect takes place. For no apparent reason and with no logical explanation, YOU start whispering too. You could be sitting alone, or stuck on a deserted road with no other inhabitants and absolutely no need to lower your tone of voice, but you do it anyway.
I think it's happened to all of us, and I'm spreading the word about it. You no longer need to feel like a dumbass everytime you whisper back to someone who is whispering (i explained that well, didn't I?). Well next time it happens, remind yourself that everyone does it and we all secretly like it.

I'm naming this strange habit The Whisper Effect, and it is awesome.

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