Wednesday, August 25, 2010

12. Tivo Slide Remote

If you think the coolest gadget on the market right now is the iPad, you obviously haven't seen the life-altering vision of technology that is the Tivo Slide Remote.

It's just what it sounds like; a remote that slides down into a full QWERTY keyboard. It's lighter, thinner, and easier to use than the typical TV remote. Most importantly, you can feel like a total badass while you channel surf in your snuggie alone.

This remote does have some drawbacks. It doesn't actually do anything that a normal remote doesn't, which is kind of disappointing. You look at it and expect it to do something mindblowing, like send messages to outer space or at least send e-mails and texts. The Slide falls a bit flat on the functionality end.
This raises many questions, such as; isn't it completely unneccessary to have a remote with a full keyboard? Yes, yes it is. No one is going to type words into their TV on a regular basis. If you're that into browsing and discovering new shows, you need to stop spending so much time with your TV. You may have a problem a remote is not gonna fix.

But it looks cool, and that's almost always enough reason for me to buy it. Its 90 dollars, so I say go for it. Buy the Tivo Slide and may all your remote-related dreams come true.

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